2018-2019 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Department of English
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Faculty and Fields of Interest
Anupama Arora post-colonial theory and literature, especially from Africa, the Caribbean, South Asia and its diaspora; women’s studies;Asian American literature; colonial literature; literary criticism and theory
Anthony Arrigo visual rhetoric, technology and culture, multimodal literacy, technical communication, cultural studies
Holly Baker first-year English, rhetoric and composition
Jerry Blitefield rhetoric and composition, rhetorical theory and criticism, history of rhetoric, creative nonfiction, fiction
Julie Bowman first-year English, literature
Elisabeth Buck (Faculty Director, Multiliteracy and Communication Center) Composition and rhetoric, peer tutoring, writing center administration, first-year English
Eric Casero first-year English, literature
Katherine DeLuca new and digital media, rhetoric, professional writing
Christopher Eisenhart (Chairperson) rhetorical criticism and theory, professional and political communication, discourse studies
Eli Evans first-year English, literature
Shari Evans multicultural literature and African-American literature, contemporary women writers, feminist and critical race theory
Meghan Fair first-year English, literature
Jennifer Fallas first-year English, literature
Caroline Gelmi poetry and poetics, nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature
Karen Gulbrandsen (Graduate Program Director, Director of Teaching Fellows) technical communication, technology transfer, rhetoric of science and technology
Laurel Hankins early American literature, nineteenth-century American literature, transatlantic literary culture, theories of moral sentiment
Stanley Harrison rhetoric, professional writing, advanced computer applications
Tracy Harrison American and British literature, first-year English
Jenny Howe first-year English, literature
Joan Kellerman poetry, comedy, American satire, Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac, literature and psychology
Elizabeth Lehr science communication, composition
Lucas Mann creative nonfiction, journalism, professional writing
Alex Menrisky first-year English, literature
William Nelles narrative theory, medieval literature
Jackie O’Dell first-year English, literature
Morgan Peters drama, creative writing, filmmaking, oral traditions
Nicholas Santavicca (Director, American Language and Culture Institute) ESL/ELL education, discourse and culture
Judy Schaaf medieval and Renaissance studies, 19th-century American literature, travel and nature writing
Zack Sitter first-year English, literature
Alexis Teagarden (Director, First Year English) rhetoric, college writing pedagogy, assessment, public policy
Robert P Waxler (Emeritus) romanticism, Jewish studies, professional writing, communication theory
Charles W White III (Emeritus) American literature, film
Mary Wilson transatlantic modernist fiction, domesticity and sexuality in literature
Yuan Zhang first-year English, ESL
Jay Zysk Renaissance/early modern British literature
The English Department serves a diverse group of majors: a group that includes those who intend to go on to graduate study; those who intend to enter the teaching profession and those who plan careers in such areas as public relations, editorial work, journalism, technical and professional writing, creative writing, personnel work and the like. The department also serves many non-English majors: those students who elect English courses in order to gain some acquaintance with the rich cultural heritage that English, American and comparative literature provide; and those who, through advanced courses in writing, wish to improve their powers of communication.
In addition, the department provides a first year English program that includes introductory composition courses (ENL 101 and 102), testing and evaluation of the writing ability of incoming students, English-as-a-second language instruction and professional communications courses for students in business, science, technology, engineering and computer science programs.
English majors are offered a choice of two options: the literature and criticism option or the writing, rhetoric & communication option, each leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree.
These options reflect the department’s conviction that perceptive reading, effective writing and clear thinking are interconnected.
The English department also offers a graduate program leading to a Master of Arts degree in Professional Writing designed to give students a background in rhetorical and communication theories and the advanced skills necessary for professional jobs in business, government, media, teaching, industry or publishing, as well as continued academic studies. For more information go to: http://www.umassd.edu/cas/english/graduateprograms/
The English Department also offers a 4+1 option for qualified majors to earn the Master in Professional Writing degree in just a single year of graduate study. For more information go to: http://www.umassd.edu/cas/english/graduateprograms/
The English department participates in UMass Dartmouth’s programs to prepare teachers who are highly qualified, helping provide opportunities for students to receive both initial and professional licensure. Specifically, the department supports students who seek initial licensure as a Teacher of English (grades 5 through 8 or grades 8 through 12) through the Post-Baccalaureate Education Certificate and professional licensure as a Teacher of English (grades 5 through 8 or grades 8 through 12) through the MAT program. In order to develop a plan for taking appropriate prerequisite and enrichment courses, students should indicate their interest both to their English major advisor and to an advisor in UMass Dartmouth’s Teaching and Learning Department.
Learning Outcomes
The English Department has identified the following core objectives for all English majors:
Students will be able to:
- Conduct research effectively in both traditional and new and emerging formats
- Evaluate and employ resources effectively, using disciplinary conventions for citation and documentation
- Develop and write original analyses
- Write and revise clear, grammatical prose
In addition to the core objectives, students in the Literature and Criticism option will be able to:
- Identify authors, periods, themes, purposes, and forms of works of British, American, and/or World literatures and literary criticisms
- Analyze literary texts using appropriate literary and critical vocabulary
- Apply theoretical knowledge to produce original interpretations of literary texts
- Employ pertinent secondary sources in writing following appropriate research and writing methods
- Demonstrate effective communication skills in academic writing genres including literary analysis, persuasive argument, and critical exposition
In addition to the core objectives, students in the Writing, Rhetoric & Communication option will be able to:
- Identify and summarize key concepts in rhetorical theory
- Analyze the rhetorical strategies used in texts
- Apply key concepts, developing documents based on audience needs, genre conventions, and information design principles
- Synthesize primary and secondary sources, using appropriate research and writing methods
- Evaluate the appropriateness of rhetorical strategies used in texts
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