Feb 13, 2025  
2011-2012 UMass Dartmouth Graduate Catalog 
2011-2012 UMass Dartmouth Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Graduate Degree Requirements

Graduate students must take the courses required in the specific program of study for their field and degree, as stated in the program sections of this catalogue and as approved by their academic advisors and the department and college.

Course Credits and Enrollment Limitations, all degree levels


Course Levels

The required minimum semester hours of credit must be completed from courses at the 400, 500, 600, or 700 levels. Courses at levels below 400 may not be credited toward a graduate degree.

Undergraduate Credits

For graduate programs that allow credits at the 400 level, no more than 6 such credits may be applied toward a graduate degree. Only 400-level courses in which the student receives a grade of B (not B-) or better may be accepted toward graduate degree requirements.  Graduate students should consult their Graduate Program Director before enrolling in a 400 level course.

Transfer of Credit

A maximum of 6 semester hours of credit (or the equivalent) may be transferred from another institution, with approval of the department and dean, provided the courses have a B- or better grade. Course credits applied in the attainment of another degree from any institution, including UMass Dartmouth, cannot be used to fulfill any of the requirements of a graduate degree at UMass Dartmouth. Individual cases of hardship in the application of these regulations may be petitioned to the appropriate college dean.

Repeating of Courses

Whether or not a student may repeat an individual course is subject to regulations of the student’s department or college. In the event that repetition of courses is allowed, students may repeat individual courses once, but only if space is available and with the consent of the department. Only the appropriate UMass Dartmouth course may be used; no course taken at another institution can replace a UMass Dartmouth course’s grade. Only the repeat course grade (whether higher or lower) shall enter into calculation of the cumulative grade point average presented for satisfaction of degree requirements. However, all courses attempted by the student will be a part of the permanent record.

Qualitative Requirements, all degree levels


Graduate students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward completion of their degrees. No set standards for academic probation warnings are established at the university level, but we draw students’ attention to the dismissal conditions stated below. The individual graduate programs may establish formal check-points and minimum performance levels, and they are encouraged to monitor the progress of their graduate students.

Requirements for Progression


Each graduate program may impose requirements for progression, which may include (but are not limited to) the following: maintenance of a minimum GPA; satisfaction of requirements for progress in completing initial or core courses; the passing of one or more mid-point reviews; the meeting of stated requirements for professional practice.

Grade Average


To receive a graduate degree a student must have at least an academic average of B (GPA = 3.0) in all formal course work that counts toward the degree. Excluded from this calculation are courses that are not applicable toward the student’s degree, for example, an undergraduate course taken for personal interest or to make up deficiencies. Only courses in which the student receives a grade of C (not C-) or better may be accepted toward fulfilling degree requirements. However, grades below C will be averaged into the student’s record.

Academic Dismissal


Students are expected to make appropriate progress toward completion of their degrees, and those who do not are subject to review for possible dismissal. A student will be subject to dismissal if the student’s grade point average falls below a B (GPA = 3.0) after completion of 15 or more semester hours of course work, or 50% of the course work required for the program, whichever is greater. A student who receives three grades below B- in coursework taken toward the degree will be subject to dismissal. Where a comprehensive examination is required, failure of the comprehensive examination, after a second trial, shall be grounds for dismissal. Where a thesis/dissertation is required, a thesis/dissertation which is graded F shall be grounds for dismissal.

The decision for dismissal of a student from the graduate program shall be made by the appropriate college dean after a review of the recommendation of the student’s major department.  The dean’s decision should be forwarded for implementation to the Office of Graduate Studies & Admissions.

Research on Human Subjects


The university has a comprehensive policy on the Protection of Human Subjects, as required by responsible, ethical practice and federal law. Students as well as faculty whose research involves human subjects need to become familiar with the university’s policy and receive appropriate, required approvals from their department, college, or the university’s Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB). One may obtain information on the processes, forms, and instructions by calling the Office of Research Administration, at 508 999-8953.
