Feb 08, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

The Student Experience

Student Affairs Vision and Mission

Working collaboratively with our campus and community partners, Student Affairs empowers students to accomplish their dreams in a diverse and inclusive learning community. 

As educators, Student Affairs staff are dedicated to delivering high quality co-curricular programs and services in an environment that supports students’ holistic growth and acquisition of essential life skills in order to actualize their full potential to be responsible, engaged, and successful citizen leaders in a global environment. Student Affairs staff build a collaborative and diverse learning community that enriches the intellectual, social, cultural, spiritual, emotional & physical well being of students by promoting academic success, personal growth, leadership development, civility, civic, social and environmental responsibility, and respect for diversity.

UMass Dartmouth provides comprehensive academic and student support programs. The listing below is not an exhaustive list of the University’s academic and student support functions. Many, but not all, operate within the Division of Student Affairs.

Athletics & Recreation Department

The university is an NCAA Division III member-institution. Nineteen varsity sports are affiliated with the Little East Conference (LEC) and two varsity sports are members of the Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference (MASCAC). The university sponsors intercollegiate teams for men in baseball, basketball, cross country, football, ice hockey, soccer, and track and field (indoor and outdoor). Intercollegiate teams for women include basketball, cross country, field hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field (indoor and outdoor), and volleyball.  The university also offers competitive opportunities through its club sports and intramural programs.  

For those individuals interested in fitness and wellness activities, there is a Fitness Center offering cardio and weight equipment along with a variety of fitness classes (e.g., yoga, spin, kickboxing, cardio boot camp).  Open recreation hours are available for the gymnasium and pool.  Outdoor recreational facilities include basketball courts, a street/roller hockey rink, disc golf course, tennis and pickle ball courts, outdoor track, and campus trails for hiking or running.  For more information visit: http://www.corsairathletics.com.

Care & Advocacy

The Care & Advocacy Office provides support to students experiencing difficulties and needing assistance in navigating university policies and procedures; for example: working with students who are contemplating a leave of absence, class absences due to extenuating circumstances, managing a difficult concern.  Staff also work with veterans to provide support and resources.

The Care Network, an initiative within the Division of Student Affairs, coordinates efforts with campus partners to assist students who encounter challenges in achieving success. The purpose of the Care Network is to identify students who may benefit from assistance and guidance as they manage the presenting issue(s) that are affecting their well-being, adjustment, and overall success at the University and to help them build capacity for managing issues during and beyond their time at UMass Dartmouth. Student Affairs staff in Care & Advocacy are available to provide consultation, answer questions, respond to concerns, or direct individuals to the most appropriate resources. To make a referral to the Care Network please visit the Care Network referral form

Care Network referrals are appropriate for issues and concerns including but not limited to:

  • Academic concerns
  • Adjustment issues
  • Behavioral concerns that are not alleged Conduct Code violations can be reported using the Incident Reporting Form
  • Career or graduation concerns
  • Death or grief
  • Financial concerns
  • Personal health or wellness
  • Relationship and/or student engagement.

Career Center

The Career Center provides students and alumni with a wide array of career-related and employment-related services like resume reviews, career planning, mock interviews, alumni career panels, and more. Resources include:

  • Career counseling: Our professional career counselors are available by private appointment. We can provide assistance and advisement as you develop your job search and professional skills.

  • Career events: We present career fairs and panels throughout the year, providing opportunities for you to meet employers, apply for positions, and develop your network. Events include:
    • Annual Job & Internship Expo
    • Accounting & Finance Job & internship Fair
    • Business, Engineering & Technologies Job & Internship Fair
    • Engineering & Technologies Job Fair
    • Internship Workshops
    • Nursing Career Fair
    • On-campus recruiting
    • Part-Time Job & Internship Fair
    • Workshops for resume writing and interview preparation
  • Services: Online and in person, we offer expertise and resources to help you at every step of your career development:
    • Assistance with resumes and cover letters
    • Interview preparation
    • Job search assistance
    • Internship search assistance
    • Help choosing a major

The Career Center is located in the MacLean Campus Center, Suite 001. Call 508-999-8658 or email career@umassd.edu

Community Standards Office (Conduct)

The Office of Community Standards is responsible for overseeing the development, distribution, and enforcement of university student conduct regulations.The office reinforces the university’s community standards and expectations for individual behavior through a process that promotes individual responsibility and education. The office is located in the Oak Glenn Fall, Suite 8113.  For more information visit: https://www.umassd.edu/studentaffairs/departments/community-standards/ or call 508-910-9153. 

Computing and Information Technology Services (CITS)

Information technology is integral to the curriculum at UMass Dartmouth. Faculty members have developed creative and effective ways for students to learn utilizing today’s technology. Many information technology functions and services are administered through Computing and Information Technology Services (CITS). 

CITS provides information technology infrastructure and support for the campus community on the main campus and satellite locations. The extensive wireless network in nearly all academic indoor spaces, all residence halls, and select outdoor spaces offers BYOD connectivity. The campus is connected via a high-bandwidth fiber network with the other UMass campuses and the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Cluster (MGHPCC).

Public access computers are available in the Claire T. Carney Library learning commons, LARTS commons, and several computer classrooms. The virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) delivers the UMassD software selection to the students’ personal devices. UMass Dartmouth has a wide variety of systems to include Office 365, OneDrive, COIN for student information, myCourses for on-line courses, myAlert for emergency notification, UMassPass (one-card for payments, printing, library borrowing, and building access).

For more information, visit the technology web site at www.umassd.edu/technology or contact the IT Service Center at itscenter@umassd.edu or 508-999-8790.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center is staffed by experienced professionals who are passionate about our work, and are dedicated to supporting the academic, social, and personal development of our students.  We provide brief individual counseling, relationship counseling, group therapy, consultation, and urgent care services to the UMass Dartmouth community. To make an appointment, call (508) 999-8648, Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm. For after hours emergencies, call our crisis line at (508) 910-HELP.  Visit https://www.umassd.edu/counseling/ 

Frederick Douglas Unity House

The Frederick Douglass Unity House offers a variety of student-oriented programs on cultural diversity and pluralism, minority empowerment, political activism, social responsibility, cultural traditions, and more.The Unity House provides a supportive environment for the academic, cultural, recreational, and social pursuits of UMassD’s ALANA students—African/Black, Latin@/Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American/Indigenous, and Allies.  Feel free to visit the Frederick Douglass Unity House. In addition to study space, we offer a computer lab and other support services. Phone508.999.9222. Email: unityhouse@umassd.edu. See https://www.umassd.edu/studentaffairs/fduh/

Health Services

The University Student Health Services is committed to providing accessible, responsive, cost-effective and quality health care and education. This allows students to make responsible choices and perform optimally both physically and mentally, in order to achieve their academic potential and minimize interruptions in their academic pursuits.

Our staff of nurse practitioners & nurses can evaluate and treat most student health issues such as sore throats, coughs, the flu, skin problems, gyn problems, birth control, orthopedic injuries, and stress issues. We offer in-office testing including but not limited to covid, strep, mono, pregnancy, and UTI testing. We can also help with chronic health issues such as seizure disorders, cardiac problems, diabetes, eating disorders, and other issues, where Health Services consults with your primary care provider. When you have a problem that Health Services can’t handle, we may:

  • Refer you to an off-campus healthcare provider
  • Consult with your primary care provider
  • With your permission, call your parents

Appointments: Before heading to Health Services, please call first to make an appointment: 508.999.8982 or log into the patient portal. Appointments are available Mondays through Fridays, from 8am to 5pm.

Health Insurance: Massachusetts law requires all full-time and three quarter time matriculated students to have comprehensive health insurance. Students will be billed automatically for health insurance unless a waiver is completed. Students can complete an online waiver form in their COIN account. For instance if a student is covered on their family’s plan, and it meets the minimum requirements for coverage in the local area, they are eligibile to waive the school insurance. The waiver must be completed annually. Students who do not complete the waiver annually are automatically enrolled and the charge cannot be waived. Students enrolled solely in on-line courses are not eligible for the school insurance. The insurance policy runs from August 1 through July 31. See the chapter on Expenses for the policies on the university’s health insurance requirements. For more information visit: https://www.umassd.edu/studentaffairs/health/

Each time you visit Health Services for care, we bill your insurance—whether it’s your student health insurance plan through the university, your own plan, or a family health insurance plan. We do not charge a separate co-pay for office visits. UMass Dartmouth’s mandatory student health fee is considered the co-pay. Learn more about fees

Housing & Residential Education

The Office of Housing & Residential Education supports the academic achievement and personal development of our residential community. For information on everything you need to know about living on campus from room selection to descriptions of residence halls, parking information, laundry/vending services, and more, visit: http://www.umassd.edu/housing/ or call 508-999-8140. 

Charges for student housing are shown in the chapter on Expenses and Student Financial Services. The Student Handbook and the housing website provide additional, specific information https://www.umassd.edu/housing/ 

For information regarding meal plans and on campus dining locations, visit https://www.umassd.edu/housing/room-dining-rates/ 

International Programs Office

The International Programs Office supports the university and strategic goals of the schools and colleges through leadership of international initiatives.

  • Advises and supports incoming exchange and outbound study abroad students
  • Collaborates with the Colleges and Schools in identifying international program priorities and alignment with student learning objectives
  • Coordinates international partnerships and exchange programs
  • Supports university faculty and staff in the development of international initiatives

The office is locaed in the Liberal Arts Building, Room 016.  Phone: 508.910.6506 Email: intl_programs@umassd.edu

International Student and Scholar Center

The International Student & Scholar Center (ISSC) of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth distinguishes itself as a service center actively engaging international students and scholars by:

  • providing information and support
  • educating the entire university community through activities promoting aspects of international education and a campus internationalization process

Promoting a campus climate that is inclusive, open, and diverse, the ISSC will support international students and scholars and promote campus internationalization. The center aspires:

  • to have extensive web-based information and resources for international students, scholars, faculty, and staff.
  • to be an effective campus resource for international education
  • to be a university resource for cross-cultural communication and awareness, and a catalyst for change

ISSC is located in Pine Dale Hall, Suite 7123. For more information visit http://www.umassd.edu/international_students/, call 508-910-6633 or email intl_office@umassd.edu 

Registrar’s Office

Located on the first floor of the Foster Administration building, the Office of the Registrar supports the instructional and student progress endeavors by providing quality services to students, faculty, academic and administrative departments, and the public. The office supervises registration activity, evaluates transfer credit, maintains student academic records and records grades, issues transcripts, verifies enrollment and graduation, issues diplomas, assigns classrooms, produces the class schedule, schedules final examinations, provides services to veterans, oversees the degree audit system, and monitors academic/administrative policy. Office is located on the first floor of the Foster Administration Building.  Phone: 508-999-8615 or submit an inquiry at https://www.umassd.edu/ssc/

Religious & Spiritual Life Center

The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life staff coordinates religious activities and serves the spiritual needs of the university community. Clergy and ministers from several denominations provide opportunities for worship, spiritual direction and counseling, and programs which enable students, faculty and staff to nurture their spiritual lives. The staff is available to persons of all creeds and at the request of the individual or group will make referrals to resources of particular religious traditions in the greater community. The RRC office is located in the Campus Center Room 202 and is open daily on a walk-in basis. Appointments with a specific campus minister may be made by stopping by the office, by telephone or by email. The office is open Monday-Friday at 9am. The phone number is 508-999-8872. 


UMass Dartmouth undergraduate students may participate in Army ROTC through a cooperative program with Providence College in Rhode Island. The US Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) teaches leadership, teamwork, and responsibility through a curriculum that includes elective courses, leadership labs, and physical fitness training. The Patriot Battalion, Headquartered at  Providence College, serves UMass Dartmouth, Bristol Community College, Brown University, Bryant College, the Community College of Rhode Island, Johnson and Wales University, and Rhode Island College. The ROTC program is designed to prepare men and women for success in college, as an Army Officer or for any chosen career, and offers opportunities for financial assistance in the form of scholarships. For more information please contact:

Department of Military Science
Providence College Army ROTC
1 Cunningham Square
Providence, RI 02918

Student Accessibility Services Office

The Office of Student Accessibility Services serves as a faculty resource in offering students equity and excellence in education, maximizing each student’s educational potential and their ability to succeed beyond Dartmouth. The office’s philosophy is one that encourages self-awareness, self-determination, self-advocacy, and independence. The office works with faculty, staff, and students on campus to ensure that appropriate academic adjustments are made that allow all students equity inside the classroom.  Students who have documented disabilities on our campus are afforded a variety of services to accommodate their individual disabilities. UMass Dartmouth strives to ensure complete access to University academic programs. Schedule an appointment with us to discuss your individual needs.

UMass Dartmouth is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students.  Students who have disabilities on our campus are offered a variety of services to accommodate their disability so that students will have equitable access to university academic programs. This follows Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations and other relevant state and federal legislation policies, with respect to making reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aides available for eligible qualified students with disabilities.

The Office of Student Accessibility Services works with students with documented disabilities in obtaining academic accommodations in their classes. Common accommodations used are access to the Office of Student Accessibility Services testing center for test accommodations, LiveScribe Smartpen demos and loans, recording course lectures, time management/organizational strategies and referrals to all other campus support services. The office is located in Pine Dale Hall, Room 7136. Phone: 508.999.8711. Email: access_success@umassd.edu

Student Activities, Involvement & Leadership (SAIL) Office

The Student Activities, Involvement, and Leadership (SAIL) Office supports the development of student groups, provides tools to help you become more actively involved on campus, and helps student organizations thrive.assists students in joining an organization or even creating a new one. SAIL is located in the Campus Center, Room 215.  Phone: 508-999-8127.  Email: SAIL@umassd.edu.  For a complete list of all student organizations, please visit: https://www.umassd.edu/studentactivities/ 

Student Service Center (SSC)

All students receive comprehensive enrollment and financial services at the SSC. At one location, students may:

  • pay tuition, fees, and housing charges
  • check status of financial aid  
  • receive assistance with class registration 
  • review their billing account  
  • obtain or submit financial aid forms or documents
  • pay parking tickets
  • obtain enrollment verification for health insurance or other purposes
  • and most importantly, obtain advice and assistance!

The Student Service Center is located on the first floor of the Foster Administration Building Lobby.  If you need enrollment or billing assistance, please submit an inquiry at https://www.umassd.edu/ssc/    

UMass Dartmouth Police Department

The UMass Dartmouth Police Department is responsible for protecting the lives and property of students, faculty, staff, and visitors, as well as the adjoining University property and satellite campuses. The Department staff work with community members to prevent crime, identify and solve problems, build partnerships, and take proactive steps to make our campus as safe as possible.

All police officers attend municipal police academy training and have full police authority on university property and at our satellite campuses. The department enforces state laws, including motor vehicle laws, and is equipped with video surveillance technology and law enforcement tools, enabling us to respond to virtually any incident or emergency. The Police Department also enforces University Policy and utilizes the Office of Community Standards to adjudicate students who have violated the law or university policy. The Department staff consists of the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief, Lieutenant Commanders, Sergeants, Patrol Officers, Detective, Crime Prevention Officer/ Clery Compliance Officer, Communications Dispatchers, and Institutional Security Officers. On every shift, a supervisor’s presence is required to ensure the best possible supervision and accountability. 

Police Officers are trained in crime prevention, sexual assault investigations, active threat response, bicycle patrol, drug recognition, anti-bias policing, firearms proficiency, and more. Officers are certified in CPR, AED (automated external defibrillator), and first aid (including Narcan).

The Department is actively involved with annual student and parent orientations. It delivers several educational programs to the community, including those in crime prevention, personal safety, and Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) self-defense. The Department also offers tailored programs to address student concerns and Residence Life education issues.

An emergency blue light telephone system is provided on campus. These 23 emergency telephones are in strategic locations around campus and are easily identified by their distinctive stainless steel and blue containers as well as by their bright blue light during the nighttime. The emergency phones are connected directly to the police dispatch desk. No dialing is required. They may also be used to summon an escort.

The UMass Dartmouth Police Department has a strong student-centered approach as they report to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and are focused on using sound discretion and having the best interests of the students, faculty, and staff in their decision-making. We believe in providing full transparency to our community with crime statistics on campus. We are committed to Clery compliance and sharing necessary information promptly to ensure optimal safety.

For more information please visit: umassd.edu/universitypolice

Veterans’ Services

UMass Dartmouth is recognized as a Military-Friendly University

UMass Dartmouth proudly welcomes all active duty students and veterans. Veterans may receive assistance in the office of the University Registrar and the Office of Student Affairs.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many educational benefits offered by the government for veterans and active military students. Veterans should also join the email distribution list and participate in the Student Veteran’s Association by contacting Student Affairs at 508.910.6402.

VA programs are approved for benefits available under specified chapters of title 38, U.S. Code. Eligible students must obtain an application on campus, or from their regional Veterans Administration Office. UMass Dartmouth will issue a Certificate of Eligibility which should be presented to the Office of Veterans’ Affairs for the certificate of enrollment. It is the veteran’s responsibility to notify the university of any changes in course credit or addresses in a timely manner.

Veterans’ tuition waivers are available for those individuals who are considered Veterans under M.G.L. Chapter 4, Section 7 (43), including WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Lebanese peace keeping force, Grenada rescue mission, the Panamanian intervention force, or the Persian Gulf, provided they meet other eligibility criteria that include: a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts for at least one year and in accord with the university’s residency requirements; not in default of any federal student loans or owing a refund; a degree candidate or eligible to apply for degree candidacy.

Women, Gender & Sexuality Center (CWS)

The Center for Women, Gender & Sexuality (CWGS) offers resources and support on LGBT and women’s issues and coordinates campus initiatives to prevent sexual violence. CWGS amplifies and advocates for all genders and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer community, with purpose to eliminate barriers, diminish prejudices, and create a supportive climate and space for all. Central to its mission is the recognition that explorations of gender must take place in tandem with exploration of race, class, sexual orientation and other significant aspects of individual identity. The center offers educational programs and events, a lending library, resources and referrals, as well as drop-in services.  CWS is located on the second floor of the Campus Center,  Contact: 508.910.6567 or visit https://www.umassd.edu/cwgs/