Jan 17, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Religious Studies Minor
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The Religious Studies minor consists of 18 credits, distributed as follows:
Required Foundation Courses (6 credits)
Elective Courses (12 credits)
Religious Studies minors must complete 12 elective credits, at least 6 of which must be numbered 300 or higher. Electives courses include all courses with the “REL” prefix and approved courses offered from other disciplines across campus. Classes can count simultaneously for the Religious Studies Minor, University Studies and/or CAS requirements.
- REL 300 - Advanced Topics in Religious Studies Credits: 3
- REL 327 - Witchcraft, Magic & Religion Credits: 3
- REL 396 - Directed Study Credits: 3
- REL 397 - A History of Christianity to the Reformation Credits: 3
- REL 398 - Critical Study of the New Testament and Apocrypha Credits: 3
- REL 495 - Independent Study Credits: variable; 1.00 to 6.00
- ARH 125 - Studies in Visual Culture: Renaissance to Modern Art Credits: 3
- ARH 301 - Greek and Roman Art Credits: 3
- ARH 303 - Greek Art Credits: 3
- ARH 306 - Roman Art Credits: 3
- ARH 324 - Medieval Art Credits: 3
- ARH 325 - Italian Renaissance Art Credits: 3
- ARH 362 - Islamic Art Credits: 3
- ARH 390 - Special Topics in Art History Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- ENL 200 - Studies in Literature Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- ENL 209 - Bible as Literature Credits: 3
- ENL 217 - Greek Myth & Drama Credits: 3
- ENL 224 - Jewish Literature Credits: 3
- ENL 236 - Ancient World-Renaissance Credits: 3
- ENL 390 - Topics in Literary Studies Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- HST 180 - Asian Civilization Credits: 3
- HST 260 - History Jewish People Credits: 3
- HST 302 - Hist Religion in Amer I Credits: 3
- HST 320 - Topics in European History Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- HST 332 - The Reformation Credits: 3
- HST 354 - Germany 1933-Present Credits: 3
- HST 356 - The Holocaust Credits: 3
- HST 357 - Empires of Central Asia Credits: 3
- HST 359 - History of Terrorism in the Mid-East from the Assassins to Al Qaeda Credits: 3
- HST 393 - Western Man in the Cosmos I Credits: 3
- HST 394 - Western Man in the Cosmos II Credits: 3
- HST 401 - Seminar:American History Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- HST 402 - Seminar:European History Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- HST 403 - Seminar:World History Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- MUS 103 - Intro to World Music Credits: 3
- PHL 221 - Introduction to Ancient Greek Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHL 300 - Special Topics in Philosophy Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- PHL 303 - Metaphysics Credits: 3
- PHL 325 - Philosophy of Religion Credits: 3
- PHL 365 - Buddhism Credits: 3
- PSC 366 - Islam and Politics Credits: 3
- SOA 308 - Religion in Social and Cultural Context Credits: 3
- SOA 366 - Religion and Music of the African Diaspora Credits: 3
- SUS 202 - Topics in Sustainability Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
- WGS 210 - Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies. Credits: 3 (Depending on topic, check with director before registering.)
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