Feb 15, 2025  
2009-2010 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Research, Outreach, and Service

UMass Dartmouth is the predominant center of education and research in the Southcoast region. Through special laboratories and centers as well as the campus’s educational programs and facilities, we realize our mission to engage in innovative research and act as an intellectual catalyst for regional economic, social, and cultural development.

A variety of departments, centers, institutes, and special programs demonstrate UMass Dartmouth’s commitment to the well-being of this region and its people. The work in pure and applied research and artistic expression expands knowledge and human perceptivity and bolsters economic development, while programs and projects inform, inspire, and entertain.

The university plays a singularly important role in the community as a cultural, social, political, and economic resource. 

The following are profiles of those arms of the university that extend into the community, and help UMass Dartmouth serve its diverse constituencies. The listing is by no means exhaustive, but presents some key programs and offices that help the institution fulfill its broader purposes.

Laboratories, Centers, and Special Programs


Centers, institutes, laboratories, and special programs enable the university to realize the goals it has set in a variety of areas.

These special components of UMass Dartmouth play many roles. They:

  • encourage and facilitate education that is multidisciplinary and collaborative;
  • support and assist faculty from different
  • disciplines in their research work;
  • explore and expedite ways to incorporate modern technology into learning;
  • develop initiatives and activities to bolster the economy;
  • bring cultural and artistic events to both students and the surrounding communities.

Listed here are some of the laboratories, centers, and special programs that demonstrate the university’s commitment in the areas of education, research, and public service. Other examples can be found throughout this catalogue. 

The School for Marine Science and Technology (SMAST), an academic unit of UMass Dartmouth, is a major center of education, research, and economic development for this campus and the entire UMass system. It hosts interdisciplinary programs and research ventures in marine science, oceanography, and engineering and technology development and policy.

The SMAST faculty consists of about twenty faculty members, half of whom hold joint appointments in one of UMass Dartmouth’s colleges. SMAST’s academic program, which is one of the important components of the emerging, innovative University of Massachusetts Intercampus Graduate School of Marine Sciences and Technology, provides access to upper level undergraduates.

Faculty and staff engage in both basic and applied interdisciplinary marine research including ocean predicting and monitoring systems; coastal zone systems; and fisheries assessment management systems. SMAST/IGS has an Educational Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center.

While SMAST research tends to concentrate on the waters of Massachusetts and New England, and the adjacent U.S. continental shelf, with its diversity of natural and anthropogenic environmental variability, there is focus on remote regions of the global ocean as well.

SMAST is located in New Bedford on Buzzards Bay. With 32,000 square feet, the facility features 14 research laboratories, including a freestanding acousto/optic tank. It incorporates a 300 gallon/minute flow-through sea water system which provides ambient Buzzards Bay sea water to all laboratories and a large sea water tank room. It also contains: space to store and maintain marine organisms for use in research and teaching; a radionuclide laboratory; a greenhouse for growth and maintenance of aquatic photosynthetic organisms under natural light; three temperature control rooms for long-term behavioral and physiological experiments and acclimation of marine organisms for culture and reproduction; a 50-foot coastal research vessel, the R/V Lucky Lady; and a dock for temporary mooring and off-loading of research vessels. Support areas include a machine shop, computer room, a conference room with state-of-the-art visual display capabilities and distance learning hardware, and a library/chart room.

The facility’s proximity to Buzzards Bay, New Bedford’s fishing fleet, and numerous marine-oriented commercial, research, and educational institutions offers unique resources and opportunities, and fosters development of strong links with industry, government agencies, and research and academic institutions. Those interested may contact Dr. Brian Rothschild, dean of the School for Marine Science and Technology, at 508 999-8925, or visit www.cmast.umassd.edu

The Northeast Regional Aquaculture Center (NRAC), located at UMass Dartmouth, serves to support research, development, and education that will enhance viable, profitable aquaculture in this country. The center is one of five such facilities, established by Congress and funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). Its major function is funding of projects in the 12 northeastern states.

The center also develops communications and networking links among the many educational, commercial, and state and federal institutions involved in aquaculture; it frequently hosts conferences and workshops. The Executive Director can be reached at 508 999-8157/8536, or visit its website at www.umassd.edu/specialprograms/NRAC

As one of only eight members of the National Textile Center (NTC) the university has received grants of $500,000 to $1 million annually over the last four years. With these awards, faculty undertake fundamental research on developing and/or improving the many technologies involved in textiles, soft materials, and fibers. The National Textile Center (NTC) is a research consortium of eight universities—including UMass Dartmouth and also Auburn University, Clemson University, Cornell University, Georgia Institute of Technology, North Carolina State University, University of California Davis, Cornell University, and Philadelphia University—that seeks to be an agent leading change in the industry’s vision and in education for global competitiveness. The Center conducts research to discover, design, and develop new materials, innovative and improved manufacturing and integrated systems essential to the success of a modern US textile enterprise and trains personnel, establishes industrial partnerships, and creates transfer mechanisms to ensure the utilization of technologies developed. Contact the Department of Materials and Textiles for details.

The Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Center (ATMC) teams with industries to develop and refine sophisticated technology responses to the current and future needs of the workplace. Through the center, faculty and students are offered significant high technology research opportunities. For students, the center provides a real-world learning experience that makes them particularly appealing to prospective employers. For industry and the southeastern region, the center offers creative yet practical paths toward technological and economic growth.

The ATMC is approximately seven miles from the main campus, on Route 6 in Fall River, near the intersection of Routes 24 and 195.

It has research and incubator facilities for new and emerging firms, as well as conference areas and rental space for technology companies that wish to be near the university.

Through its “Research and Partnering” component, the center becomes involved in projects and contracts that are funded by industry, government agencies, and other academic institutions. Faculty and students provide the bulk of the technical expertise, with labor supplied by undergraduate and graduate students. The full-time staff provides the coordination and oversight to assure schedule, budget, and contract compliance.

For the students working there, the center replicates the technological business environment of the actual workplace. Qualified students can work in areas such as acoustics, optics, telecommunications, textiles, materials, environmental engineering, manufacturing, transportation systems, and health care technology. Individualized labs feature specialized equipment, and there are core labs for computer software development and mechanical and electrical equipment prototyping.

Incubator areas use an open format to provide flexible facilities for start-up companies, who receive management and marketing advice and administrative support from the university’s Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Properties organization.

Conference space features moveable walls so groups of 20 to 200 can meet at any one time. A wide variety of presentation technologies, video and teleconference, and internet access are available.

The Director of the ATMC is Dr Thomas J Curry, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. For more information, contact the center at 508 999-9116; its website is www.umassd.edu/advtechctr/

The UMass Dartmouth Fall River Professional and Continuing Education Center is located in the former Cherry and Webb department store in Fall River’s downtown area. It opened September 2002. At this Center the Division of Professional and Continuing Education offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate educational and professional programs for non-traditional students. Serving businesses as well as education, the Center reflects the university’s continuing collaboration with neighboring communities to expand opportunities in the region. The director of the center, Dennis P Paquette, can be reached at 508 678-3636.

In September of 2004 a new UMass Dartmouth New Bedford Professional and Continuing Education Center opened in downtown New Bedford. This new venture for the Department of Continuing Education serves the community through outreach and recruitment for adult and youth educational programs, job training and skills development opportunities. The Center is located at 800 Purchase Street, New Bedford, MA 02740, 508 990-1160. Accessible by public transportation, the center is an environmentally friendly atmosphere for all students, is responsive to the needs of persons with disabilities, and is a caring learning environment.

The Center for Policy Analysis is a multidisciplinary research unit which provides research, information, and technical assistance to government, nonprofit, and educational agencies. The Center’s guiding mission is betterment of the economic and social well-being of citizens. The Center, striving to remove the walls between education and research, spearheads a number of university and community-based education programs. Students have the chance to work at the center and so become familiar with applied social science techniques. Director is Dr Clyde W Barrow who may be reached at 508 999-8943.

The Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture is a multidisciplinary international studies and outreach unit dedicated to the study of the language, literatures, and cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world. The center hosts comprehensive summer institutes and sponsors a wide range of educational activities and social events to which the public is invited. Support for its work has come from the Luso-American Foundation, the Portuguese Government, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Camöes Institute, the Gulbenkian Foundation, and local businesses and friends of Portugal and UMass Dartmouth. Director Frank Sousa, PhD, Professor of Portuguese, can be reached at 508 999-8255.

The Center for Marketing Research has a mission to facilitate the economic development of the region by providing an affordable, high-quality economic alternative to meeting business needs for research, training, and consulting in any and all aspects of Marketing. The Center offers to businesses research, training, and consulting in the areas of accounting, finance, information systems, management, and marketing. Recently, the Center has expanded its marketing offerings to include branding, packaging, logo development, creation of promotional materials, and most recently, customer service training and television commercial production. Businesses are able to draw on the university’s resources, including the expertise of the Charlton faculty and assistance from students who are guided by their professors. Dr Nora Ganim Barnes, marketing professor, is director, and can be reached at 508 999-8756, or via e-mail, nbarnes@umassd.edu More recently, the Center expanded its marketing offerings to include branding, packaging, logo development, creation of promotional materials, and most recently, customer service training and television commercial production.

The Center for University, School, and Community Partnerships offers professional and educational services, consultation, and leadership development programs. Its director, Dr Karen O’Connor, can be contacted at 508 990-1094; Web site address: www.umassd.edu/cusp/

Established in 1984 as the Massachusetts Field Center for Teaching and Learning, the Center for University, School, and Community Partnerships provides high quality professional learning experiences for beginning and experienced K-12 teachers to strengthen their content knowledge, broaden their teaching practices and curricula, and acquire leadership skills necessary to improve schools and student achievement. The Center offers opportunities for the professional growth of teachers by organizing mentoring and induction institutes; sponsoring conferences, forums, grant programs, and publications on current educational issues; promoting teacher leadership and professional collaboration through networks; and serving as a clearinghouse of educational resources and research. The Center draws on the expertise and experience of outstanding teachers to inform its programs, school reform initiatives and educational policy. The Center also supports special initiatives to help schools implement mathematics and science programs, like Project Impact, the Science Partnerships Program, and the South-coast Regional Math Network. The Center is the site of the Buzzards Bay Writing Project.

The Center for Rehabilitation Engineering helps to improve the quality of life of disabled individuals through creative use of engineering knowledge and technology. The Center develops innovative rehabilitation equipment, techniques, and services, and makes them available to agencies and individuals with disabilities. Volunteers—students, university staff, and community members—are critical to the continuing success of the organization, which has received regional and nationwide acclaim. Director is Engineering Professor Lester Cory, who can be reached at 508 999-8482.

The new Center for Indic Studies fosters education about, and understanding of, the arts, philosophy, culture, societal values, and customs of India. The programs and special events promote the study of issues of contemporary Indian society and their place within a multicultural global society. The center also seeks to increase Americans’ knowledge of contemporary India and its diversity in the 21st century. Director Bal Ram Singh, PhD, chemistry professor, can be reached at 508 999-8588.

The Family Business Center offers support and assistance to families who own and operate businesses. The center engages in research, gathers and distributes information, and hosts workshops and seminars. Its programs address a variety of issues, such as teamwork and leadership succession. Contact Donald Berube, director, at 508 999-8773.

The Omer E. and Laurette M. Boivin Center for French Language and Culture promotes and supports teaching of, research about, and the appreciation and preservation of the French language and culture. Among its many projects are a certificate program in International Business/French, a cultural series of speakers and entertainers, and the annual Boivin Center Scholarship. The director is Dr Mel Yoken, Professor of French, who can be reached at 508 999-8335.

The Center for Jewish Culture, through its educational and cultural programs, aims to increase understanding and communication between Jewish and non-Jewish people of Southeastern Massachusetts. The center, which often collaborates with other groups, sponsors workshops, lectures, seminars, and institutes that explore aspects of Jewish culture. It works to expand the Judaica collection in the library, including an archive on the history of Jewish organizations and individuals in the southeastern area. The center also contributes to the support of the campus chapter of Hillel, the international Jewish student organization. The Center for  JewishCulture can be contacted at 508-999-6974.

The Arnold M Dubin Labor Education Center was established in 1975 to meet the educational needs of workers as members and leaders in the labor movement and promote understanding and cooperation between labor and business, religious, environmental, and other civic and community organizations. The center provides credit and non-credit courses, seminars and special programs, offers support and consultation to the educational programs of labor organizations; provides workers and unions with technical and informational resources; serves as liaison between the university and labor organizations on many levels including worker literacy, training, and economic development activity; and offers a minor and a certificate in Labor Studies and job-related training through the Workers Education Program. Director is José A. Soler, 508 999-8796; coordinator of the Labor Extension is Kim Wilson, 508-999-8781; and co-coordinator of the Workplace Education Project is Lisa Jochim, 508 999-4047.

The Gerontology Center is a multidisciplinary venture, which develops and coordinates programs and courses on gerontology, the study of aging. The center maintains ties with the community through its educational and research-based activities. It has a close relationship with the university’s academic offerings, which include a certificate program and a minor in gerontology (described in this catalogue’s chapter on interdisciplinary programs). Director Gail Russell can be reached at 508 999-8251.

The Southeastern Massachusetts Regional Small Business Development Center, operated by UMass in partnership with the US Small Business Administration and the Mass Office of Business and Technology, provides high-quality, in-depth counseling, training, and capital access for small business in the region. It works with prospective and existing businesses on business plan development, strategy, marketing, financing, government procurement, and international trade. The center can be reached at 508 673-9783.

The Robert F Kennedy Assassination Archive is an unparalleled, extensive collection of police and FBI reports, audio and video tapes, transcripts, and private papers relating to the assassination of Democratic presidential candidate and New York senator Robert F Kennedy. A project of Political Science Professor Philip H Melanson, PhD, with the UMass Dartmouth library, the archive has been recognized nationally and internationally both for its contents and as an important testament to fundamental rights to information. Located in the library, the archive can be reached at 508 999-8686.

Formed in 1991, the UMass Dartmouth Parents’ Association actively participates with university administrators and students to insure communication of ideas, to promote programs that benefit students, parents, and the university, and to act as a parents’ support group. Every parent of a current UMass Dartmouth undergraduate student is automatically a member of the organization and is encouraged to offer financial as well as personal support to the activities of the Parents’ Association. For further information, contact Donald Berube at 508 999-8802 or Vernell Clouden at 508 999-8575.

The International Student Leadership Institute (ISLI) is a program sponsored by the University of Notre Dame and offered annually by UMass Dartmouth to New England high school students. The Institute develops the leadership skills of the participants, and encourages the students to seek opportunities for personal advancement in the service of others. UMass Dartmouth students are group leaders. Persons interested can contact John Fernandes, Science and Engineering Center director, at 508 999-8718.

The Spotlight Program is a cultural enrichment program in which area high school students come to the UMass Dartmouth campus for a series of lectures, workshops, courses, and field trips during the academic year. The director is English Professor William Nelles, PhD, 508 999-8278; for information, contact the Program Coordinator, Trace Holmes, at 617 417-5328.

The Upward Bound Program is a college preparatory program that provides academic and counseling support services to first generation potential college students and/or low income students who are enrolled at New Bedford High School, Westport High School, Wareham High School, or Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School.

The purpose of the program is to generate in each student a high level of academic skills and motivation coupled with the social maturity necessary to succeed in post secondary education. This is accomplished by providing students with instruction, tutoring, academic advising, career and personal counseling, and student development activities throughout the academic year. All students enrolled in the program are required to attend tutorials, and as needed, supplemental instruction. Additionally, students at New Bedford High school are afforded the opportunity to participate in the Upward Bound Course offered there. The focus of the course is on instructing students to become strategic learners.

Each summer the program provides a six-week residential component which takes place on the UMass Dartmouth campus. Students live in the dorms five (5) days a week and attend academic classes in mathematics, language arts, lab sciences, computers, SAT prep, MCAS Prep, and more. Our senior students are offered a tuition free college credit course. Academics are augmented daily by a host of other activities designed to fully prepare students for a successful transition into and completion of a college degree program, including activities such as life skills sessions, professional internships, cultural field trips, and college visits.

The Upward Bound Program’s offices are located at the UMass Dartmouth campus on the ground floor of Group 1, Room 013. For further information please call 508-999-8713.

A number of offices at UMass Dartmouth provide services of special interest to the surrounding region and beyond and are sources of information and assistance.

UMass Dartmouth Foundation


The UMass Dartmouth Foundation develops and directs the university’s fund-raising and alumni relations activities. Through the Annual Fund and other campaigns, the Foundation helps secure continuing support for the university and many of its educational, research, and cultural programs.

The Foundation is a tax-exempt corporation with its own charter and board of directors. It solicits, receives, and administers gifts to the university. It also manages UMass Dartmouth’s endowment, which includes funds designated for specific purposes, such as scholarships, library programs, faculty development, and the like. The Foundation seeks support for the university in the form of both monetary and non-monetary gifts, and assists with planned gifts and bequests.

Persons who would like to offer support—or who know alumni or others who wish to do so—are encouraged to contact the UMass Dartmouth Foundation at 508 999-8760.

UMass Dartmouth Office of Alumni Relations


The Office of Alumni Relations serves as the liaison between the university and its 35,000-plus graduates. Alumni Relations works to enhance the lifelong relationship between alums and their alma mater through various activities and programs, thus giving former students a voice in determining the future of UMass Dartmouth.

The Office of Alumni Relations works with the Alumni Association board of Directors to sponsor a number of events and initiatives such as the scholarship Program, Fall Festival, Homecoming Weekend, the UMass Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, the Corsair Hall of Fame Banquet, and Senior Week. All a current students should contact the Alumni Relations office, which can assist them in considering career path options and receiving job advice from successful alumni. For further information, contact the Alumni Relations office at 508 999-8802, or e-mail umassd.edu/alumni.

Office of Research Administration


This office helps the university realize one of its key goals: supporting and fostering research, scholarship, and creative productions by faculty and staff. It does so by providing:

  • Assistance in identifying funding opportunities; maintaining up-to-date information on sources likely to be most responsive to the university’s needs; and lending administrative support for faculty research projects;
  • Assistance and guidance in all aspects of development and submission of a proposal;
  • Negotiation and administration of contracts for awards, on behalf of the university.
  • Assistance and guidance in post-award management.

Today, the university administers more than 18 million dollars in externally funded projects that involve, among other things, research, educational support, and training. In the past five years, the level of funding received by the university has more than tripled. The results mean additional support for graduate education, expanded opportunities for faculty research, and a stronger link between the university’s goals and ongoing research activities.

The Office of is located in Room 011, Foster Administration Building, 508 999-8942.

Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment


Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment designs and manages the programs and processes that enable UMass Dartmouth to look at itself and determine if it is fulfilling its mission. The office researches data and produces information and analyses; does strategic planning, with a focus on outcomes assessment; studies specific issues and implements the recommended course of action; conceptualizes and manages data systems; analyzes and recommends on program and policy issues; and advises on planning and management of resources.

The office oversees preparation of the many reports which the UMass system, state and federal governments, and public and private groups require. It works with the academic community on evaluating and implementing actions that aim to enhance students’ education and university experience. For further information, call 508 999-8486. 

The Conferences and Functions Office helps to coordinate the wide variety of conferences and gatherings that occur at UMass Dartmouth. For information, call 508 999-8143 or 8139. 

The Arts in Exhibit and Performance


UMass Dartmouth offers the best in arts programming to its students and the community. Talented faculty, a variety of groups and ensembles giving performances and mounting exhibits, and superior facilities at both the main campus and the Star Store building in downtown New Bedford make this possible.

Throughout the year, the university sponsors live theater, musical productions, concerts, films, lectures, and fine arts exhibits. The artists and performers might be students, area residents who are launching their careers, or well-known individuals who enjoy international acclaim. As an artistic resource for the entire region, the university enthusiastically encourages the community to attend these events.

Musical Ensembles

Throughout the year, the university sponsors musical offerings of a rich variety, featuring guest artists from around the world from genres of music ranging from classical to New Wave to jazz.

Among on-campus groups that give concerts are: the African Drumming and Dance Ensemble, various jazz ensembles, Concert Band, and the Chorus. Music Department faculty coordinate these concerts, and students from all colleges of the university participate.

Each semester, the College of Visual and Performing Arts sponsors a Guest Artist Series, which features instrumental and voice performances and master classes given by internationally-recognized artists. 

Theatre Company

The UMass Dartmouth Theatre Company stages a series of plays throughout the academic year. The productions of musicals, period pieces, and dramatic plays draw large, enthusiastic audiences. Students are joined by university staff and faculty, and frequently members of the community, for both acting and production jobs. 

Film Series

An international film series is organized each semester by Dr. Charles White of the English Department. The films come from countries throughout the world, with storylines that are diverse and generally unconventional. Videos of the films become a permanent part of the library collection. 

UMass Dartmouth Art Galleries

CVPA’s significant contribution to the regional arts scene is evident in its dynamic presence within the Southcoast communities, and in the high caliber of exhibitions held in each of its galleries: CVPA Campus Gallery and Gallery One located in the arts building at the Dartmouth campus and the University Art Gallery and Gallery 244, located at the Star Store campus in New Bedford. 

The University Art Gallery, directed by Lasse Antonsen, is devoted to showing the work of international, national, and regional artists. Antonsen’s exhibitions have attracted national attention for their excellence in scope, vision, and presentation. CVPA Campus Gallery and Gallery One feature frequently changing exhibitions of CVPA student and faculty work curated by college faculty. Gallery 244 is a student run gallery featuring work by graduate students, emerging artists in their own right.Exhibitions in all CVPA art galleries can be viewed daily during the academic year.

An exhibit space in the Campus Center displays artistic works, often those of students and staff, and graphic material of special interest to the campus.

Visual Arts Events

Highly-regarded artists are invited to the campus each year. In addition to offering workshops on their mediums and critiques to UMass Dartmouth arts students, the guests often have exhibits and give lectures for the public.

College of Visual and Performing Arts students exhibit and display their work annually. Favorite events include a showing of animation art by electronic imaging students and a spring student outdoor sculpture show.

By taking trips each semester to museums and galleries in Boston, Providence, New York, and Hartford, students broaden their education and see firsthand what is happening on the contemporary art scene. 

Summer Events

During the summer, UMass Dartmouth hosts a number of events, notably the Fourth-of-July Celebration that features music, food, and fireworks. The increasingly popular Institute for Art Education sponsors summer seminars and workshops for persons interested in the visual arts.  
