Jan 17, 2025  
2009-2010 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog 
2009-2010 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

2009-2010 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog

For University of Massachusetts policies see http://www.umassp.edu/policy/

Undergraduate Programs and Courses, Policies, and Procedures


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (USPS #0015-139) Volume 10, Number 1, November 2009

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth is published once in February, once in March, once in May, twice in June, once in July, once in August, once in September and once in November by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 285 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2300

Periodicals postage paid at New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740.

Send address corrections to the
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Road
North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747-2300


Editorial responsibilities for the publication reside with the Office of Academic Affairs.

General Editor
Bruce H Palmer, Director of Financial Aid and Interim Registrar

Managing Editor
Sharon Humphrey, Assistant Registrar


This catalogue covers 2009-2010.


Purposes of this Catalogue

This catalogue is the official source of information about the University’s undergraduate academic programs, its approved courses and associated policies and procedures. Its purpose is to guide students in planning a course of study and in meeting program, department and University requirements; and to provide information about the University to students, employees, applicants, parents, teachers, counselors and the general public. See the table of contents and index for an outline of the information provided.

This catalogue emphasizes the university’s undergraduate programs. For centrality of reference, however, it lists all current graduate as well as undergraduate courses of the university. Please consult the Graduate Catalogue for detailed graduate program information.

The information in this catalogue should be current for the time of publication, although some changes may have occurred between the time of going to press and the opening of the academic year. The University reserves the right to change at any time the degrees, programs,and services offered; as well as the requirements and the courses. Corrections of errors may also be made. All official changes and corrections will be filed with the Office of Academic Affairs/Graduate Studies and the Registrar.

Such charges as tuition and fees, the policies associated with such charges, and academic or general University policies are subject to change without notice. There will be no refund of tuition, fees, charges or any other payments made to the University in the event that the operation of the University is suspended at any time as a result of any act of God, strike, riot or disruption; or for any other reasons beyond the control of the University.

The information in this publication is provided solely for the convenience of the reader, and the University expressly disclaims any liability which may otherwise be incurred. This publication is neither a contract nor an offer to make a contract.

More information available on World Wide Web

The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth home page can be reached on the Internet’s World Wide Web at: http://www.umassd.edu

This complete catalogue, plus much more information about different aspects of the University, can be found from our home page.

As this catalogue went to press, our constantly-growing Web pages included not only detailed information about administrative and student offices and programs (Admissions, Career Services, Financial Aid, Sports and Student Organizations, to list just a few) but also specific sites or home-pages for many academic programs, special research or outreach projects, University news releases, personnel announcements, special events announcements and a large variety of publications. Applicants can apply for admission using forms and instructions available on the Web.

Most UMass Dartmouth programs host web sites of their own, accessible from our general site referenced above. There are also links to the other UMass campuses and to general information about the University of Massachusetts.



University of Massachusetts Dartmouth is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, which accredits schools and colleges in the six New England states. Membership in the Association indicates that the institution has been carefully evaluated and found to meet standards agreed upon by qualified educators. Many specific programs are also  accredited by professional or educational associations, as stated in the college and departmental sections of this publication.



The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth complies with both the intent and spirit of appropriate federal and state anti-discrimination laws including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Statement of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth wholeheartedly supports and encourages the development of action programs designed to promote the employment and advancement of women, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, persons with disabilities, and Vietnam-era Veterans as a means of assuring compliance with the provisions of campus Affirmative Action plans.

The University firmly supports the concept of equal opportunity without regard to an individual’s race, color, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or veteran status as it applies to his/her employment, admission to and participation in the University’s programs and activities, provision of services and selection of vendors who provide services or products to the University.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Assistant Chancellor for Equal Opportunity/Diversity/Outreach, Foster Administration Building, Room 323, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 285 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth, MA 02747; telephone 508 999-8008.

Inquiries concerning the application of nondiscrimination policies may also be referred to the Regional Director, Office for Civil Rights, John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Room 1875, Government Center, Boston, MA 02203.

Resolution in Support of Pluralism


The Board of Trustees affirms its commitment to maintaining an academic environment which fosters pluralism, mutual respect, appreciation of divergent views and awareness of the importance of individual rights. To this end, we reassert the importance of civility and the valuable contribution that diversity in race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and culture brings to the University community, and therefore we strongly encourage and support racial, ethnic, cultural and religious pluralism. (University of Massachusetts, 6/3/92)

Policy Against Intolerance


The Board of Trustees denounces intolerance, particularly that based on ethnicity, culture, religion, race or sexual orientation which interferes with those rights guaranteed by law, and insists that such conduct has no place in a community of learning. We also recognize the obligation of the University to protect the rights of free inquiry and expression, and nothing in the Resolution in Support of Pluralism or Policy Against Intolerance shall be construed or applied so as to abridge the exercise of rights under the Constitution of the United States and other Federal and State laws. (University of Massachusetts, 6/3/92)

Statement on Cultural Diversity and Inclusion


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth affirms its strong support and deep commitment to the continued development and maintenance of an academic community in which the individual dignity and potential of each of its members are given full respect, recognition and encouragement. Our goal is an institution in which all may study, live and work securely and productively in an atmosphere characterized by civility and openness to the pursuit of academic excellence in the finest tradition of academia.

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth is opposed to and condemns racism. Acts of harassment, intimidation or invasion of privacy which interfere with the rights of an individual or group to participate in the activities of the academic community shall be considered to be in violation of this policy and may be dealt with appropriately under applicable University codes and as regulated by statute.

We recognize the affirmative obligation of the University to foster a diverse and integrated learning environment. To this end, the University has a responsibility to vigorously pursue efforts to attract minorities, women and members of other historically-disadvantaged groups as students, faculty members and staff in sufficient numbers to alleviate isolation and to ensure real integration and diversity in academic life. We also recognize our obligation to nurture community-wide appreciation of cultural diversity and will dedicate appropriate resources to meet this commitment on an on-going basis.

Statement on Sexual Harassment


Sexual harassment is sex discrimination and, therefore, a violation of federal and state law. It is the policy of the University of Massachusetts that no member of the University community may sexually harass another. For purposes of this policy and consistent with federal regulations, sexual harassment is defined as follows:

Unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:

  1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic work,
  2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individual or
  3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or academic environment.

It is the policy of the University of Massachusetts to protect the rights of all persons within the University community by providing fair and impartial investigations of all complaints brought to the attention of appropriate officials. Any member of the University community found to have violated this sexual harassment policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

Chancellors are directed to take appropriate measures to inform each member of the University community of this policy statement and to develop procedures, in conjunction with the President’s Office, for filing, hearing and resolving complaints. (University of Massachusetts, 6/3/92)

Statement on Gender Discrimination


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth is committed to ensuring equality and avoiding gender discrimination; therefore, it is the University policy to avoid, in all University publications and communications, the use of language that perpetuates gender bias. University employees are encouraged to use gender-neutral language. In selecting textbooks and readings of the very highest quality, faculty are urged to select those that are free of gender bias.
