Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

The Academic Experience

Academic Affairs

Students are aided in their adjustment to academic life and in their decision-making processes through regular conferences with a designated faculty advisor. Each college has an academic advising network for its students. The campus-wide Academic Advising Center serves students who have not yet declared a major in the College of Arts & Sciences, first-year Liberal Arts majors and first and second year Charlton College of Business majors as well as students in transition between majors.

The key activities of advising are to help each student formulate academic and career goals, select courses that will meet those goals, and monitor progress toward fulfilling degree requirements. Students also consult their advisors about academic problems and concerns, to arrange special learning opportunities, or for advice about further study or careers. Students meet with their advisors at least once a semester, to review their academic progress and plan for the upcoming semester.

Academic Resource Center (ARC) and Student Support Services (SSS)

Academic Resource Center and Student Support Services (ARC/SSS)

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is an academic support service that provides peer tutoring and small group review sessions for UMass Dartmouth students. Administered by the ARC Central Office, these academic support activities are funded by the university and are provided to students by the three academic area centers of the ARC described below:

  • Math and Business Center, LARTS-010, 508 999-8716: Tutoring in algebra, calculus, accounting, economics, management science, elementary statistics, and other quantitative courses.
  • Science and Engineering Center, SENG-217B, 508 999-8718: Tutoring in biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, nursing, and civil, electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering.
  • Writing and Reading Center, LARTS-220, 508 999-8710: Tutoring in English, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, English as a second language, academic, business and technical writing, writing across the curriculum, research, reading, and study skills.
  • ARC Central Office, LARTS-010, 508 999-8716: The Academic Resource Centers are open daily and offer evening tutoring in Elmwood Residence Hall when classes are in session. Call for additional information.

A grant from the United States Department of Education, the ARC Student Support Services (SSS) TRIO grant, funds the following additional academic services for first generation and/or low-income students: individualized needs assessments, assigned tutors, mentors, study groups and study partners, academic enrichment activities, cultural activities and assistance in preparing applications for graduate school. 

Supplemental advising for TRIO students is available from the ARC/SSS Outreach Counselor, LARTS-010, 508 910-6866.

As mandated by the United States Congress, the ARC/SSS “fosters an improved institutional climate” for SSS students at UMass Dartmouth. In recent years this support has also come in the form of a supplemental grant aid award given in the spring semester to eligible students having unmet need.

For information concerning SSS eligibility and services, contact the Director in LARTS-010, 508 999-8716.

Computing and Information Technology Services (CITS)

Information technology is integral to the curriculum at UMass Dartmouth. Faculty members have developed creative and effective ways for students to learn utilizing today’s technology.

Many information technology functions and services are administered through Computing and Information Technology Services (CITS). A flexible team approach provides unified services to support learning commons, classrooms, instructional technologies, network and infrastructure services and a wide variety of systems.

Most CITS employees graduated from UMass Dartmouth undergraduate or graduate programs. In addition, CITS employs about 50 IT Assistant student workers. Student positions are posted in CorsairJobs and include IT service, hardware repair, classroom technology support, and networking / telecom operations.

CITS provides information technology infrastructure and support for the campus community on the main campus and satellite locations. The extensive wireless network in nearly all academic indoor spaces, all residence halls, and select outdoor spaces offers BYOD connectivity. The campus is connected via a high-bandwidth fiber network with the other UMass campuses and the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Cluster (MGHPCC).

 Public access computers are available in the Claire T. Carney Library learning commons, LARTS commons, and several computer classrooms. The virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) delivers the UMassD software selection to the students’ personal devices. UMass Dartmouth has a wide variety of systems to include Office 365, OneDrive, COIN for student information, myCourses for on-line courses, myAlert for emergency notification, UMassPass (one-card for payments, printing, library borrowing, and building access).

For more information, visit the technology web site at or contact the IT Service Center at or 508-999-8790.

Honors College


The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Honors College, which is part of the statewide Commonwealth Honors Program, is open to qualified undergraduate students from every college and academic department in the University. The mission of the University Honors College is to promote a lifetime love of learning and creative activity, encourage the spirit of community responsibility, and to enable students to undertake original research or creative work in their chosen field. Ultimately, graduating from the Honors College will provide an opportunity to develop skills that will prepare students to be successful in graduate study and/or professional employment. Students who fulfill the requirements of the Honors College graduate as Commonwealth Scholars, a statewide recognition of exceptional academic achievement. The Commonwealth Scholar honor is bestowed at the annual Honors Convocation ceremony in April, and is noted on the student’s diploma and transcript.


For students entering as a first-year student or as a transfer in Fall 2020 and thereafter*, the minimum requirements for graduation as a Commonwealth Scholar are:

  • Complete a minimum of 21 credits of honors coursework with a grade of B or better
    • The 21 credits include Honors 301: Research Across the Disciplines
    • Remaining credits can include a combination of courses that are designated as Honors (e.g., an Honors section of English 101)
  • Completion of the APEX (Academic Project or Experience), which is an independent project that is usually completed in the senior year and for which students typically receive 3 to 6 credits (this is in addition to the 21 credits of Honors coursework)
  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher
  • Remain on track to graduate as Commonwealth Scholars  (see “University Honors College” in the “Interdisciplinary Programs” section of this catalog) 


Honors courses are offered in a wide variety of departments. Courses taken for Honors credit may be applied to university, college, and/or departmental requirements, as appropriate, just like non-Honors courses. Students may also contract with individual instructors to enrich non-Honors courses for Honors credit.


Joining the University Honors College has many perks beyond the obvious academic benefits, including: 

  • Honors housing, available to first-year students only
  • Early registration for all classes, honors and non-honors
  • A wide variety of extracurricular activities
  • Presentation of scholarly work at on-campus and off-campus conferences
  • A built-in social network of like-minded peers
  • The chance to develop professional relationships with faculty and other experts

Students in the University Honors College may also participate in departmental honors programs and societies, if available. With the approval of the thesis/project evaluation committee, a single thesis or project may satisfy the requirements for both departmental honors and graduation as a Commonwealth Scholar.


Joining the Honors College

First-year applicants to UMass Dartmouth are invited to join the Honors College on the basis of standardized test scores (if available) and high school records that predict university performance at the Honors level. There is no separate application process. Transfer students who successfully participated in the Commonwealth Honors Program (CHP) at other colleges and universities in the Massachusetts public system of higher education are automatically eligible for membership in the UMass Dartmouth Honors College. The University Honors College accepts up to 12 honors transfer credits from other institutions participating in the Commonwealth Honors Program. Transfer students who did not previously participate in a Commonwealth Honors Program may also apply to join the UMass Dartmouth Honors College. Admission into the Honors College is normally limited to students who have 60 or fewer university credits, including advanced placement test credits. The 60-credit limit does not apply to transfer students who successfully participated in the Commonwealth Honors Program at other Massachusetts institutions of public higher education. 

Students already studying at UMass Dartmouth may apply to join on the basis of their academic performance at UMass Dartmouth. Admission into the Honors College is normally limited to those students who have 60 or fewer university credits, including transfer and advanced placement test credits. 


*For students who entered the Honors College prior to Fall 2020 

The minimum requirements for graduation as a Commonwealth Scholar are:

  • A minimum of 15 credits of honors coursework completed with a grade of B or better, in addition to the honors thesis or project;
  • The 15 credits include completion of Honors 301: Research Across the Disciplines;
  • An independent honors research thesis or creative project, usually completed in the senior year, for which students typically receive 3 to 6 credits; and
  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher


Departmental Honors

Several departments offer to qualified students a special curriculum leading to honors in the major field. Students satisfactorily completing the departmental requirements for honors in the major will, upon graduation, have their diplomas so inscribed, and their honors status will be so designated on the graduation program. Departments will notify all eligible candidates by the end of their junior year. Potential participants shall follow departmental guidelines for entry into the honors program.

Participants shall have a minimum GPA of 3.000 for all course work. Departments may require higher minima and, in addition, may set minimum GPAs in the majors. The GPA will normally be determined after the fifth semester.

Departmental honors programs will include an appropriate end product, normally a project or thesis. A maximum of six credit hours may be awarded for completion of the project/thesis. Departments shall develop procedures for approval of participants’ proposals. A faculty sponsor or honors advisor shall advise an honors candidate, according to departmental or program guidelines. An evaluation committee, which shall be multidisciplinary in nature, shall be established according to departmental or program guidelines. This committee shall evaluate the completed honors project/thesis and determine if the work meets standards for honors.

International Study and Travel

Students interested in pursuing a course of study and travel in another country may obtain assistance in academic planning from the International Programs Office. Students may remain registered as continuing students of this university while they pursue studies abroad through Withdrawn on Exchange status. For more information, see the chapter titled Special Learning Opportunities.

Research Offices

Institutional Research and Assessment

The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment designs and manages the programs and processes that enable UMass Dartmouth to look at itself and determine if it is fulfilling its mission. The office researches data and produces information and analyses; does strategic planning, with a focus on outcomes assessment; studies specific issues and implements the recommended course of action; conceptualizes and manages data systems; analyzes and recommends on program and policy issues; and advises on planning and management of resources.

The office oversees preparation of the many reports which the UMass system, state and federal governments, and public and private groups require. It works with the academic community on evaluating and implementing actions that aim to enhance students’ education and university experience. It also offers consultation and implementation assistance on institutional surveys.  For further information on learning outcomes assessment, call 508.999.8486. The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment is located on the second floor of the Foster Administration Building.

Sponsored Projects Administration

This office helps the university realize one of its key goals: supporting and fostering research, scholarship, and creative productions by faculty and staff. It does so by providing:

  • Assistance in identifying funding opportunities; maintaining up-to-date information on sources likely to be most responsive to the university’s needs
  • Assistance and guidance in all aspects of development and submission of a proposal
  • Negotiation and administration of contracts for awards, on behalf of the university
  • Assistance and guidance in post-award management

The Office of Sponsored Projects Administration is located in the Foster Administration Building, 508.999.8953.

University Registrar

Located on the first floor of the Foster Administration building, the Office of the University Registrar supports the instructional and student progress endeavors by providing quality services to students, faculty, academic and administrative departments, and the public. The office supervises registration activity, evaluates transfer credit, maintains student academic records and records grades, issues transcripts, verifies enrollment and graduation, issues diplomas, assigns classrooms, produces the class schedule, schedules final examinations, provides services to veterans, oversees the degree audit system, and monitors academic/administrative policy.

University Enrollment Center

All students (Day, Evening, Summer and Graduate) receive comprehensive enrollment and financial services at the University Enrollment Center.

At one location, students can
  • pay tuition, fees, and housing charges
  • check the status of financial aid (and receive help understanding it)
  • register for classes; add and drop classes; etc.
  • check their billing account (and get help understanding it)
  • get a copy of class schedule
  • check transcript or obtain or order transcripts
  • obtain or submit financial aid forms or documents
  • obtain enrollment certifications for health insurance or other purposes
  • and most importantly, obtain advice and assistance!
By integrating financial and registration services in one location, the university
  • assists students with the interrelationships between their aid, registration, and account status
  • eliminates the necessity to go to three or four different offices
  • refers special problems to the best place for immediate, quality assistance.

The University Enrollment Center counter is located on the first floor of the Foster Administration Building Lobby.

Online & Continuing Education

About Online & Continuing Education

Online & Continuing Education provides access to degree programs and academic support services for online and continuing education students and is committed to helping these students achieve their academic goals. Support services are structured with an understanding of the responsibilities and challenges many adults experience in their quest to complete a college degree. Online & Continuing Education offers undergraduate and graduate certificates and degree programs online and in a hybrid format. Most programs are designed for part-time students with opportunities to get ahead by taking additional courses when available and during winter and summer sessions. Courses are conveniently scheduled throughout the calendar year to best meet the needs of online and continuing education students.

Degree & Application Information

UMass Dartmouth offers an open, rolling admissions policy and program for online and adult students. This provides degree candidates with an ongoing and user-friendly process for initiating degree candidacy.

Hallmarks of Online & Continuing Education are its access to:

  • Online and conveniently scheduled degree programs
  • Flexible learning format, tailored to the needs of adult students
  • Year round scheduling of courses
  • Friendly and experienced support services

To learn more, go to Contact or call 508.999.9202.

Academic Programs

The following are undergraduate degree programs supported by Online & Continuing Education:

Online Undergraduate Degree Programs & Certificates:

  • BS in Accounting
  • BA in Crime and Justice Studies
  • BA in Economics
  • BA in Economics with concentration in Healthcare Services Administration
  • BA in English Literature & Criticism
  • BS in Finance
  • BS in General Business Administration
  • BA in History
  • BA in Liberal Arts with concentrations in Economics, English Literature & Criticism, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology, Urban Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies
  • BS in Management-Leadership
  • BS in Management Information Systems - E-Commerce/Digital Business
  • BS in Management Information Systems - Technology & Management
  • BS in Marketing
  • BS in Medical Laboratory Science (MLT-MLS)
  • Nursing RN to BS
  • BS in Operations Management
  • BA in Political Science with an optional concentration in Pre-Law
  • BA in Public Administration
  • BS in Public Administration
  • BA in Sociology and Anthropology
  • BA in Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies

Hybrid Degree Programs

(Courses offered primarily online, with some face to face courses or labs, similuations and tests on-campus)

  • BS in Nursing - Second Degree (17 month accelerated format)
  • Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Accounting


Pre-Medical and Pre-Law Advising

See the section titled “Interdisciplinary” under the College of Arts and Sciences.