Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-2014 UMass Dartmouth Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

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  • WGS 366 - Race, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in the Media

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: SOC 101 or ANT 111 or SOC/ANT 113 or AAS 101; junior or senior standing
    An interdisciplinary exploration of how mainstream media in the U.S.-primarily “Hollywood” movies-have helped shape our understanding of who is (and, equally importantly, who is NOT) part of the “American” nation. Drawing upon anthropology, media studies, critical race studies and feminist theory, we will look at how cinematic representations of various ethinic and racial groups - blacks, “Indians”, Asians, Jews, and most recently, Arabs and Muslims - both reflected and helped shape popular views and attitudes towards those groups. We will pay close attention to the intertwining of race, gender, class and sexuality. This is a blended class as on-line discussions will supplement classroom screenings and discussion. Cross-listed as AAS 366, ANT 364, SOC 364.
  • WGS 367 - Culture, Power, and Inequality in a Globalized World

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: SOC 101, or ANT 111, or SOC 113; Sophomore or JR or SR standing
    An exploration of anthropological approaches to globalization, and what globalization means for the future of anthropology. We start with definitions of and theories about globalization, touch upon “the globalization debates,” and then turn to case studies of key issues such as gender and sexuality, migration and diaspora, the globalization of culture, the power of commodities, and political activism. Throughout, we will pay close attention to questions of power and inequality - seeing how the impact of globalization is shaped by race, nationality, class, gender and other vectors of difference. Cross-listed as SOC 367, ANT 367
  • WGS 368 - History of Feminist Thought

    3 credits C
    Examination of proto-feminist and feminist thought from ancient Greece to the early 1900’s. The course will also examine the ways in which some early feminist thought and activism intersected with other political goals and movements, such as the anti-slavery movement or the pacifist movement. In addition, the goals of activist movements and an analysis of their different methods will be examined. Cross-listed as HST 368.
  • WGS 369 - Global Women’s Health Politics and Activism

    3 credits
    An overview of women’s health through an international perspective. Vrious women’s health issues such as cancer, fertility, maternal mortality, STI/STD, HIV/AIDS, and violence against women are researched and analyzed. The investigation of health issues through a feminist political lens is crucial. The relevance and importance of understanding women’s health through a human rights framework will be explored. The aim is to understand how gender equity impacts women’s health. Socioeconomic status, nation, gender, and race all play a crucial role in women’s health. Most importantly, an investigation into the various political, institutional, and activist responses to women’s health issues around the world will be undertaken. The level of political commitment to women’s health will be analyzed by focusing on key strategies implemented by international institutions like the United Nations, and look at particular government strategies in countries such as Haiti, India, China, and Ghana.
  • WGS 370 - Women, Writing, and the Media

    3 credits W
    Prerequisites: ENL 260
    Studying and writing about issues related to gender, gender-specific language, and the representation of women in various forms of media. The course focuses on discovering, exploring, researching, and writing about women’s issues. Cross-listed as ENL 370.
  • WGS 371 - Gender and Society in Brazilian Cinema

    3 credits C
    A thematic study of cinematographic representations of gender identities and practices within social contexts. Fostering global awareness and artistic literacy, topics include construction of feminine and feminist identities; masculinity and power relations; sexuality and national identity; same-sex and other non-traditional relations of love and intimacy; and machismo, ethnic and socio-economic disparity and alienation in contemporary life under women film-makers’ scrutiny. Cross-listed as POR 371.
  • WGS 375 - Psychology of Sex Difference

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: PSY 101, 205, 210
    Development of sex differences, socialization practices, attitudes, values and role expectations which affect the self-concept and interpersonal relationships. This course is designed to stimulate discussion among men as well as women. Cross-listed as PSY 375.
  • WGS 376 - Women and Sexualities Across Cultures

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: SOC 101 OR ANT 111 OR SOC/ANT 113 OR WMS 101
    An exploration of how sexuality and gender intersect with shifting power structures in different times and places. Sexuality and gender are not inborn fixed natural attributes and close attention is paid to the impact of differences in race, age, culture and stratification. The course also engages main currents in feminist thought in anthropology and western and non-western traditions. Students engage in independent research projects on a world region of their choice SOC 376, ANT 376
  • WGS 380 - Feminist Perspectives on Art History

    3 credits C, D, I, W
    Prerequisites: ARH 101, 102, WMS 101; or permission of instructor
    Analyzes the feminist critique of the history of art. This course will review recent critiques of both art and culture through an investigation of the production and evaluation of art and the role of the artist in Western and non-Western cultures.

      Cross-listed as ARH 380.

  • WGS 385 - Women Artists and History of Art

    3 credits C
    Provides knowledge and understanding of the art made by women from the Late Medieval period through Contemporary periods of art. This study will be set in the context of specific social, familial, economic and psychological conditions of the period in which the art was made. The course will familiarize students with recent feminist critiques of visual culture. Cross-listed as ARH 385.
  • WGS 391 - Topics in African History

    3 credits C, G
    Prerequisites: HST 190 or HST 290 or written permission of the instructor
    Advanced-level course for students with a background in African history. Topics will vary from year to year. Research papers will be required. Cross-listed as AAS 391, HST 391; WMS 391 is offered when the topic is applicable.
  • WGS 396 - Directed Study

    variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor, department chairperson, and college dean
    Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area covered in a regular course not currently being offered.
  • WGS 399 - Women’s Studies Internship

    3 credits
    Over the course of one semester, students earn academic credit by working in area public, private or non-profit organizations that provide services for women. Students work under the supervision of a women’s studies faculty member and a sponsor at the selected organization.
  • WGS 401 - Seminar in American History

    3 credits C
    Seminars will be offered variously in topics in American History. The writing of a substantial paper will be required. Content will vary with instructor; may be repeated with change of content. Offered as WMS 401 when content is applicable.

      Cross-listed as HST 401; AAS 401, JST 401 when the topic is applicable.

  • WGS 402 - Seminar in European History

    3 credits C, G
    Seminars will be offered variously in topics in European History. The writing of a substantial paper will be required. Content will vary with instructor; may be repeated with change of content.

    Offered as WMS 402 when content is applicable.

      Cross-listed as HST 401; AAS 401, JST 401 when the topic is applicable.

  • WGS 403 - Seminar in World History

    3 credits C, G
    Seminars will be offered variously in topics in non-European World History. The writing of a substantial paper will be required. Content will vary with instructor; may be repeated with change of content. Offered as WMS when content is applicable.

      Cross-listed as HST 403; AAS 403, JST 403 when the topic is applicable.

  • WGS 421 - Seminar: American Literature Theme

    3 credits C
    The particular topic of each seminar is announced immediately before each registration period. Cross-listed as ENL 421; offered as WMS 421 when on an applicable topic.
  • WGS 422 - Seminar in American History

    three credits
    Seminars will be offered variously in topics in American History. The writing of a substantial paper will be required. Content will vary with instructor; may be repeated with change of content. Cross-listed for HST 401; AAS, JST, WMS when the topic is applicable
  • WGS 424 - Seminar in Genre Studies

    3 credits
    The particular topic of each seminar is announced immediately before each registration period. Cross-listed as ENL 424; offered as WMS 424 when the topic is applicable.
  • WGS 453 - Global Policies and Women’s Human Rights

    3 credits
    Comparative examination of human rights issues that affect women’s lives and the ways that women’s experiences of human rights violations are gendered throughout the world. The course will explore how the attainment of women’s rights in the economic, social, and political realms vary significantly by cultural, geographic, and national boundaries, and the strategies that women use to challenge and overcome obstacles to the realization of these rights. The course investigates a range of global policy issues, including international human rights conventions; gender-based violence; cultural relativism versus universalism, religious fundamentalisms and the oppression of women; harmful tradtitional practices; women’s political and civil rights; the impact of authoritarianism and democratization on women’s status; the impact of economic globalization on women’s economic and labor rights; and the shortcomings of the international human rights regime in protecting women’s human rights. Cross-listed as PST 453.
  • WGS 490 - Advanced Special Topic in Women’s Studies

    3 credits
    Special topics are offered. May be repeated with change of content. This course may be cross-listed with an academic department.
  • WGS 495 - Independent Study

    variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged
    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; permission of instructor, department chairperson, and college dean
    Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area not otherwise part of the discipline’s course offerings.
  • WGS 496 - Directed Study

    variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor, department chairperson, and college dean
    Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area covered in a regular course not currently being offered.
  • WGS 499 - Women’s Studies Capstone

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: WMS 101; WMS 312
    The WMS capstone course is designed to cohere a major student’s core curriculum work. While the subject matter may change depending on the interdisciplinary connections, the course will be grounded in feminist scholarship and will require a research project that draws upon feminist theories and feminist research methods, along with a public presentation at the end of the semester to the class and WMS faculty. The course will be an opportunity for students to integrate their major course knowledge and demonstrate their ability to apply feminist theory and research methods.
  • WMS 101 - Introduction to Women’s Studies

    3 credits D, O.
    see WGS 101
  • WMS 102 - Philosophical Aspects, Feminism

    3 credits C
    see WGS 102 Cross-listed as PHL 102.
  • WMS 103 - Cities, Minorities, and Poverty

    3 credits D, E, O
    see WGS 103 Cross-listed as AAS 103, ECO 103, LST 103, PST 141.
  • WMS 104 - Identities: Gender, Race, and Sexuality

    3 credits C, D
    see WGS 104 Cross-listed as PHL 104.
  • WMS 111 - Jobs and Discrimination

    3 credits D, E, O
    see WGS 111 Cross-listed as ECO 111.
  • WMS 196 - Directed Study

    variable credits
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor, department chairperson, and college dean.
    see WGS 196
  • WMS 200 - Special Topics in Women’s Studies

    3 credits
    see WGS 200
  • WMS 201 - Introduction to Feminist Theory

    3 credits D
    see WGS 201
  • WMS 204 - Social Psychology

    3 credits G
    Prerequisites: PSY 101
    see WGS 204 Cross-listed as PSY 204.
  • WMS 207 - Women’s Health Issues

    3 credits D
    see WGS 207 Cross-listed as NUR 207.
  • WMS 208 - Global Perspectives on Women

    3 credits D, G
    Prerequisites: WMS 101 recommended
    see WGS 208
  • WMS 209 - Women’s History in the United States: Colonial to the Present

    3 credits C, D
    see WGS 209 Cross-listed as HST 207.
  • WMS 212 - The Case of Lizzie Borden

    3 credits C
    see WGS 212 Cross-listed as HST 212.
  • WMS 214 - African-American Literature

    3 credits C
    see WGS 214 Cross-listed as ENL 214, AAS 214, LST 214.
  • WMS 216 - Politics of Welfare Reform

    3 credits
    see WGS 216 Cross-listed as PSC 216.
  • WMS 245 - Images of Women in Literature

    3 credits C
    see WGS 245 Cross-listed as ENL 245.
  • WMS 246 - Women Writers

    3 credits C
    see WGS 246 Cross-listed as ENL 246.
  • WMS 260 - Gender and Sexuality in Lusophone Literature

    3 credits C
    see WGS 260 Cross-listed as POR 260.
  • WMS 270 - Latin-American Civilization

    3 credits C, G
    see WGS 270 Cross-listed as HST 270.
  • WMS 296 - Directed Study

    Variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged.
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor, department chairperson, and college dean.
    see WGS 296
  • WMS 298 - Experience Program

    variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged.
    Prerequisites: At least sophomore standing; permission of the instructor, department chairperson, and college dean.
    see WGS 298 For specific procedures and regulations, see the selection of catalogue on Other Learning Experiences. Graded CR/NC
  • WMS 300 - Topics in Women’s Studies

    3 credits C, D, W
    see WGS 300
  • WMS 301 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Identity and Culture

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing
    see WGS 301 Cross-listed as ANT 300, SOC 300.
  • WMS 302 - Global Feminism

    3 credits G
    see WGS 302
  • WMS 305 - Contemporary Feminist Theory and Practice

    3 credits D, E
    see WGS 305
  • WMS 306 - Third Wave Feminism

    three credits D
    see WGS 306
  • WMS 307 - Ecofeminism: Philosophy and Practice

    3 credits C, E
    see WGS 307 Cross-listed as PHL 307.
  • WMS 310 - America’s Working Women

    3 credits C, D
    see WGS 310 Cross-listed as HST 310.
  • WMS 312 - Feminist Research Methods

    3 credits W
    see WGS 312
  • WMS 316 - Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

    3 credits C
    see WGS 316 Cross-listed as HST 316.
  • WMS 317 - History of European Women

    3 credits C, G
    see WGS 317 Cross-listed as HST 317.
  • WMS 318 - Women’s Biography and Autobiography

    3 credits C
    see WGS 318 Cross-listed as HST 318.
  • WMS 319 - Gender Variation and Sexual Orientation Across Cultures

    3 credits G
    Prerequisites: SOC 101 or ANT 111 or SOC/ANT 113
    see WGS 319 Cross-listed as ANT 319, SOC 319.
  • WMS 323 - Women, Film, and Popular Culture

    3 credits C
    see WGS 323 Cross-listed as ARH 323.
  • WMS 325 - Sex, Marriage and Family

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: WMS 101 or SOC 101 or ANT 111 or SOC/ANT 113
    see WGS 325 Cross-listed as ANT 325, SOC 325.
  • WMS 328 - Survey of African-American Literature I

    3 credits C
    see WGS 328 Cross-listed as AAS 328, ENL 328.
  • WMS 329 - Survey of African-American Literature II

    3 credits C
    see WGS 329 Cross-listed as AAS 329, ENL 329.
  • WMS 332 - Sex Roles and Politics

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: PSC 101 or PSC 238 or WMS 101, and upper-division standing
    see WGS 332 Cross-listed as PSC 332.
  • WMS 333 - Mothers and Daughters

    3 credits D
    Prerequisites: ENL 101
    see WGS 333
  • WMS 336 - Women and Social Policy

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: SOC 101 or ANT 111 or SOC/ANT 113 or WMS 101 or PST 101; junior or senior standing
    see WGS 336 Cross-listed as SOC 336, PST 355
  • WMS 339 - Women and Public Policy

    3 credits D
    Prerequisites: PSC 101, and upper-division standing
    see WGS 339 Cross-listed as PSC 339.
  • WMS 344 - The Economics of Sex and Race Discrimination

    3 credits G, E
    Prerequisites: ECO 231, 232; or permission of instructor
    see WGS 344 Cross-listed as ECO 343.
  • WMS 345 - Education, Work, and Discrimination

    3 credits
    see WGS 345 Cross-listed as ECO 345.
  • WMS 346 - Wise Women

    3 credits C
    Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Womens Studies Majors, Minors, and Liberal Arts Womens Studies Concentration.
    see WGS 346 Cross-listed as ENL 346
  • WMS 347 - Special Topics in Women’s Literature

    3 credits C
    see WGS 347 Cross-listed as ENL 347.
  • WMS 348 - American Women Playwrights

    3 credits C, D
    Prerequisites: ENL 102
    see WGS 348 Cross-listed as ENL 348.
  • WMS 350 - Readings in Sociological and Anthropological Literature

    3 credits
    see WGS 350 Cross-listed as ANT 350, SOC 350, CJS 350 when topic is applicable
  • WMS 359 - Men and Masculinities

    3 credits D
    Prerequisites: SOC 101 or ANT 111 or SOC/ANT 113 or WMS 101
    see WGS 359 Cross-listed as ANT 359, SOC 359.
  • WMS 364 - Social and Cultural History of Russia

    3 credits C, G
    see WGS 364 Cross-listed as HST 364.
  • WMS 365 - Female Crime and Deviance

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: CJS 190; junior or senior standing
    see WGS 365 Cross-listed as ANT 365, CJS 365, SOC 365
  • WMS 366 - Race, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in the Media

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: SOC 101 or ANT 111 or SOC/ANT 113 or AAS 101; junior or senior standing
    see WGS 366 Cross-listed as AAS 366, ANT 364, SOC 364.
  • WMS 367 - Culture, Power, and Inequality in a Globalized World

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: SOC 101, or ANT 111, or SOC 113; Sophomore or JR or SR standing
    see WGS 367 Cross-listed as SOC 367, ANT 367
  • WMS 368 - History of Feminst Thought

    3 credits C
    see WGS 368 Cross-listed as HST 368.
  • WMS 370 - Women, Writing, and the Media

    3 credits W
    Prerequisites: ENL 260
    see WGS 370 Cross-listed as ENL 370.
  • WMS 371 - Gender and Society in Brazilian Cinema

    3 credits C
    see WGS 371 Cross-listed as POR 371.
  • WMS 375 - Psychology of Sex Difference

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: PSY 101, 205, 210
    see WGS 375 Cross-listed as PSY 375.
  • WMS 376 - Women and Sexualities Across Cultures

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: SOC 101 OR ANT 111 OR SOC/ANT 113 OR WMS 101
    see WGS 376 SOC 376, ANT 376
  • WMS 380 - Feminist Perspectives on Art History

    3 credits C, D, I, W
    Prerequisites: ARH 101, 102, WMS 101; or permission of instructor
    see WGS 380 Cross-listed as ARH 380.
  • WMS 385 - Women Artists and History of Art

    3 credits C
    see WGS 385 Cross-listed as ARH 385.
  • WMS 391 - Topics in African History

    3 credits C, G
    Prerequisites: HST 190 or HST 290 or written permission of the instructor
    see WGS 391 Cross-listed as AAS 391, HST 391; WMS 391 is offered when the topic is applicable.
  • WMS 396 - Directed Study

    variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor, department chairperson, and college dean
    see WGS 396
  • WMS 399 - Women’s Studies Internship

    3 credits
    see WGS 399
  • WMS 401 - Seminar in American History

    3 credits C
    see WGS 401 Cross-listed as HST 401; AAS 401, JST 401 when the topic is applicable.
  • WMS 402 - Seminar in European History

    3 credits C, G
    see WGS 402 Cross-listed as HST 401; AAS 401, JST 401 when the topic is applicable.
  • WMS 403 - Seminar in World History

    3 credits C, G
    see WGS 403 Cross-listed as HST 403; AAS 403, JST 403 when the topic is applicable.
  • WMS 421 - Seminar: American Literature Theme

    3 credits C
    see WGS 421 Cross-listed as ENL 421; offered as WMS 421 when on an applicable topic.
  • WMS 424 - Seminar in Genre Studies

    3 credits
    see WGS 424 Cross-listed as ENL 424; offered as WMS 424 when the topic is applicable.
  • WMS 453 - Global Policies and Women’s Human Rights

    3 credits
    see WGS 453 Cross-listed as PST 453.
  • WMS 490 - Advanced Special Topic in Women’s Studies

    3 credits
    see WGS 490 May be repeated with change of content. This course may be cross-listed with an academic department.
  • WMS 495 - Independent Study

    variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged
    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing; permission of instructor, department chairperson, and college dean
    see WGS 495
  • WMS 496 - Directed Study

    variable credits
    Conditions and hours to be arranged
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor, department chairperson, and college dean
    see WGS 496
  • WMS 499 - Women’s Studies Capstone

    3 credits
    Prerequisites: WMS 101; WMS 312
    see WGS 499

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